Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is a failed attempt to blogging. Please visit my new personal blog, instead. :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Discovery Channel

I've been watching Discovery Channel sine the advent of the ever-amazing cable television in my life of 19 years.

In fact, the channel is on my list of daily must-watch channels (if not number one), along with National Geographic, Star Channels, among others. Forget ABS-CBN. I don't watch stupid shows like Wowowee. Duh. the most stupid show on earth.

By the way, I just realized, just now, how I need more of the sense of being observant. I've been thinking all these days that I'm observant enough, because even the people behind the paging service at the local malls here cannot escape my sharp ears.

To make the long story short, it's just a few minutes ago that I saw that the earth at the upper right-hand corner of every Discovery Channel show is actually rotating.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lesson Learned: Shampoo is not for the eyes

Today is the "What a day" day.

It's just today that I fully realized, after 19 years of existence on this planet, that human eyes and shampoo do not go well.
If only all shampoos in the Philippine market are those with the 'no more tears' formula, I wouldn't be complaining to the multinational companies existing in the Philippines what churn out sachets of Rejoice shampoos and even got Filipinos into tricking that those sachets do really have 20% more in the sachets (unfortunately, I believed them).

The title of this post may also be "the government is not for the people". Well, the citizens, that is. But the difference is, Filipinos have fully-realized long-ago that the Philippine government was never for the Filipinos. By the way, ther's no point in discussing this issue, as all of us already complained about the government. If only all the officials in the government are those with the 'no pockets filled' attitude, everything will be fine. But the thing is, they're not.